Delzer is many things: a design hub, a commercial printer, a fulfillment + distribution center, and–human.
Just like our variable printing capabilities, we’re changing things up on our blog. If you’ve worked closely with us, you may already be familiar with some members of our team. For those of you who haven’t, though, we’re creating a newly featured employee spotlight to help you better get to know the people behind the brand.
These folks help us get it right for our customers, and without each and every one of them we wouldn’t be who we are as a company.
*Wipes single tear from eye*
So, without further ado…
Meet Keith Allard, Account Manager
Name & Title
Keith Allard, Account Manager
Oconomowoc, WI
Educational Background
Major in Public Relations and Minor in Marketing from UW-Whitewater.
First Job
Newspaper Distribution Engineer (Paper Boy) & Watermeter Recycling Facility.
What Attracted You to Delzer
The President of Delzer at the time, Eric Delzer. A great guy who took a chance on me and I’m grateful.
About Your Role at Delzer
I’m an ambassador in a sense, representing Delzer out in the field working with customers to get it right and finding new customers to get it right for them as well. All of it being possible with help from many great people inside the building of Delzer.
Favorite Way to Get it Right for Customers
Every time we deliver it right, in hand, on time, and for the right purpose.
Career Advice to Someone Interested in Your Field
Be honest, work hard, and have a good mentor.

Keith’s Delzer Doppelgänger cutout is the closest we’ve gotten to cloning him. Nice hustle, 2-D Keith.
Favorite Song/Movie/Book/Comedian
Favorite characters in no particular order: Michael Scott, Ron Swanson, Jackie Moon, Phil Dunphy, Dwight Schrute.
Motto/Personal Mantra
Q: What do you do? A: Whatever it takes.
Favorite Thing to do in Your Free Time
Archery and golf.
If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?
Life on the Road in a Camry
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?