If you know Delzer, you know we are a golf-friendly company. It’s true. Come warm weather, we can’t be kept away from the course. Last week we attended ESPN’s Wisconsin Open golf event as a sponsor, participant, and supporter.
Getting into the Sponsorship Spirit
Participating is an easy enough task; you show up, enjoy the company, and do your best on the course (says this blog author who refuses to actually step onto a course with a set of clubs).
As a sponsor, however, your role begins prior to getting to the golf course and your sponsored hole. You know the drill. There are outreach materials to be crafted, signage to be designed, giveaways to be planned–and an activity to be organized for folks to receive said giveaways.

Delzer’s 12th Hole sponsorship tent at the ESPN Wisconsin Open.
Creating an activity that translates into a memorable audience experience can be challenging. This goes for golf outings, trade shows, job fairs–you name it.
Furthermore, it can be even more challenging to make your activity unique when you’re faced with a limited, yet overused pool of ideas. Sure, a quick Google search can give you an easy been-there-done-that activity, but that can come at the cost of losing your audience’s connection to the activity with your industry.
Since our golf hole-sponsorship activity was well received, we wanted to share what worked for us. Perhaps it can be of inspiration for your next activity. Or, as we prefer to call it, printspiration!
Paper Airplane Toss
The activity we put together was a Paper Airplane Toss. Those who completed this challenge were entered into a drawing for one of two bottles of Twisted Path Organic Rum. (That name might sound familiar to you if you attended our Open House – they concocted our refreshing signature cocktail that evening.)
Here were the official rules:

1. Pick Your Plane
We designed and hand-assembled Delzer branded planes out of three different paper stocks: a lightweight 20# bond, followed by a medium weight 70# offset, and the heaviest weight 100# gloss text.
Players guessed which plane they felt would maneuver best in the 10 mph gusts of wind and chose accordingly.
2. Toss it Through the Target
A vibrant orange hula hoop was the perfect target for our paper airplane toss. After all, part of our logo is the “Delzer Dot”.
Delzer’s golf hole-sponsorship rep simply held out the hula hoop as players tossed their origami objects from a few yards back, and prayed to the Paper Gods that she wouldn’t get hit in the process. (They were merciful Paper Gods and she made it out unscathed.)
3. Enter a Drawing for Free Booze
Those who got their paper airplane through the target within three tries were eligible for a Twisted Path Organic Rum raffle and filled out their slips with cautious optimism.
Requests for rum shots in exchange for getting the airplane through the target were also made by a few participants – maybe next time.
What Made This Activity Memorable

A fun example of somebody who connected with our activity – they turned their raffle slip into a paper airplane. Clever!
A Paper Airplane Toss in itself isn’t necessarily unique or memorable. It’s definitely been done before. However, the way we molded it to fit our industry niche took this activity to the next level in meeting our objectives.
As a commercial printer that prides itself on expertise in design, print, hand assembly and the like, it made sense for us to host a paper airplane toss. Participants got to experience first-hand a way that we can combine a multitude of capabilities. They also got a better understanding of the differences between certain paperweights and grades.
Plus, a number of players recognized the Delzer rep from earlier when she was unloading her supplies, fittingly nicknaming her “Hula Hoop Girl” once they got to the 12th hole. Seeing something like a hula hoop at a golf course was different and brought forth curiosity – another concept to keep in mind for your own event activity.
Branded = Bonus
Whatever you choose to do for an event activity, it’s best to be authentic to your brand. Whether it’s in the concept, delivery, or giveaways, let it shine through. Have fun with it and your audience likely will, too.
If you’re ready for some ideas to fit with your brand, contact us! We’re eager to help you craft the perfect concept, design, and print materials to assist in your outreach.