If you read last week’s blog about our paper airplane toss activity, you may recall we offered three different paper stocks for participants to choose from to help them best maneuver their planes through the wind at the ESPN Wisconsin Open.
Print Projects > Paper Planes
As fun as a paper airplane toss might be, it’s not exactly crucial for you to get your paper stock selection right. Your next print job, however, is. The material you choose has a big impact on the overall quality of your order.
Certain stocks are better suited than others depending on the print piece. We’ve assembled a list of no-fail paper stocks that we suggest based on some of the most common categories of print.
Please note: This is not a cut-and-dried list – there are numerous options when it comes to selecting print material. Your Delzer Account Manager can help you determine what’s right for your needs.
Project-Centric Paper Stocks
Just another quick note here before we begin: “#” = pound and “pt.” = point.
These are two ways paper is measured. More on that another time.

Business Cards*:
14 pt. gloss or uncoated card stock;
100# gloss or matte cover
80# or 100# gloss text;
80# gloss cover
Flyers & Adslicks:
80# or100# gloss text
12 or 14 pt. gloss card stock
100# gloss or matte cover
Stationary & Envelopes*:
70# uncoated/offset text;
24# uncoated bond
Door Hangers:
100# gloss cover
100# gloss cover
80# gloss or matte text;
70# offset text
Pocket Folders:
12 or 14 pt. gloss cover
Technical manuals*:
50# or 60# uncoated/offset text.
*uncoated and matte options are ideal for materials you plan to write on.